It’s so hard to create change. To really commit to something new requires fortitude, perseverance, and dedication to unhatched potential. It means taking something that is merely a seed the size of an oat and holding the faith and vision that it truly contains a mighty sequoia. It means facing challenges square in the eye, owning them, and seeing them through to the other side.
I call it “holding the pose” because I liken it to holding a down dog or a pigeon or even a hardy warrior pose for 10 minutes. Have you tried it? It requires enduring till you think you “can’t take no more” and then a sudden breakthrough into the next level as you realize you didn’t REALLY have to be exerting that muscle like you thought you did or you don’t REALLY need to growl but maybe just sigh (or maybe it’s the reverse!!). So many times, it becomes so much easier to just say, “Five minutes in warrior! Good enough!” or “This is crazy ridiculous! Are you freaking insane? Enough already!” or to say, “Yeah, I really was right in there with you, but the tea kettle is boiling and I just have to turn it off and maybe have some tea. You’re awesome, though, really. Great pigeon there. See you later?”
So when three clients graduate in three work weeks, I am in awe of those crazy, life-affirming, spirit(ed) warrior souls. It inspires my Whitman-esque sounding of my barbaric yawp.
Shout out to all of you! You know who you are! You are making the world, and better still, YOUR world a better place.
I am honored to be your witness! You inspire me!