Relax and Move On: Meditation and Relaxation Training for Tweens & Parents

Relax and Move On!

Meditation and Relaxation Training for Tweens

(10-14 years)

tween meditating

“Tweens [and late childhood years can] stink.  School is hard and there’s so much homework!  I’ve started moving between classrooms.  My teachers and parents expect too much. Changes in my body are just plain embarrassing and confusing [did this flyer REALLY just bring that up?!]  My best friends may or may not be talking to me.  Meanwhile, I’m trying to figure out just where I fit in:  in sports, in school, in friendships, in life.  I’m tired.  My parents just don’t get what it’s like.  Can you blame me for being stressed and cranky sometimes?  Where’s my iPod?”*
* Variations on things my tween has either said or wished he had words for.

Take a deep breath. Let it out slowly as you count to ten. Now imagine you’ve been handed the gift of a low-stress life. Picture it.  Can you feel it NOW? How often have you fantasized about this very thing? What if you could give it to your tween?

[su_button url=”″ target=”blank” style=”soft” background=”#F4CB01″ color=”#E07922″ size=”5″ center=”yes” radius=”round” icon=”https://spiritedgrowth.comwp-content/uploads/2014/01/spiral-green.png” desc=”Register Campers for June 17-21, 10-11am Camp”]Sign me up![/su_button]

Meditation/mindfulness practices are the foundation for low-stress and more successful life. Meditation and mindfulness skills are a recognized and evidence-based method relaxing and refocusing. Meditation is used for many stress related issues, including problems falling or staying asleep, test and school anxieties, coping with bullying and peers, fears, OCD, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, perfectionism, over- and under-achieving, or just plain old “middle school.”  Practices help to relax the body as well as refocus the mind on all that is going well in life, and change the things that are not.

This 4-week workshop series is designed to train your 10- to 14-year-old in mindfulness, meditation and self-calming practices while giving parents the tools they need to support the practice and even develop one of their own at home.  Parents are supplied with weekly newsletters and encouraged (though not required~discuss with your child what you both prefer) to attend the weekly class with their tween.  Relaxed parents=relaxed children!

This course will help 10- to 14-year-olds:

  • Learn what meditation is and why they (and so many people!) want to practice it.
  • Recognize emotions and practice emotional calming skills.
  • Recognize the early onset of stress–the earlier it’s recognized, the easier to beat it!
  • Name the way they “do” stress–their physical and emotional responses.
  • Identify the things that stress them out and develop a plan to cope.
  • Practice quick turn-around techniques for challenging situations, like test-anxiety or difficulties with friends.
  • Learn several basic relaxation and meditation skills and develop a regular practice.
  • Learn about how the brain works.
  • Learn how to shift focus to stop anxious or repetitive thoughts.
  • Experience the clearness of mind that comes with meditative calm.
  • Discover their basic motivation to continue their meditation practice.
  • Team with their parents to develop skills between sessions.
  • Develop and record a personalized script for a calm place meditation.

Parents will receive:

  • The ability to attend class(es) with their child if they mutually choose.
  • Informational parent letters regarding what the kids learned in each class, why they learned it, and how to support ongoing learning.
  • .mp3 recordings of meditation practices to practice daily (and for parents to join if desired).
  • Ideas/feedback for how to best support your unique child’s needs based on instructor’s observations.
  • Ideas for props, supplies, setting up spaces for meditation, meditation apps, and more.

 [su_highlight background=”#ffffff” color=”#e07922″]Class is a 5-day, week long camp, with daily 1 hour meetings plus home practices.


Renee also teaches Inner Eye Life CoachingTM Mind~Body~Life Skills to individuals.  These private sessions include breathing, meditation, mindfulness, and self-calming skills tailored to your personality and strengths.  Private skills sessions are discounted for those concurrently enrolled in a meditation workshop.  Contact with inquiries for privates or for group offerings to your group or organization.

Groups are Offered at Locations Across Cincinnati.  Contact to organize a group!

Upcoming Start Dates and Locations

Week-long courses offered: 

June 17-21, 10-11am

Location: The Healing Space of Cincinnati
Fees: $120 per week
To Register:  Registration required by one week before program start date listed above.  Minimum enrollment 6 children for camp to meet.  Maximum enrollment 10. Contact Renee (mindfulness coach) or 513.289.6759 for questions.  Registration at the buttons below.

[su_button url=”″ target=”blank” style=”soft” background=”#F4CB01″ color=”#E07922″ size=”5″ center=”yes” radius=”round” icon=”https://spiritedgrowth.comwp-content/uploads/2014/01/spiral-green.png” desc=”Register Campers for June 17-21, 10-11am Camp”]Sign me up![/su_button]


Registration must be received by one week before the camp start date.  Late registrations are with camp leader’s approval only, and dependent on availability.  Minimum registrations of 6 must be met for camp to meet.  Camp leader reserves the right to cancel the camp based on enrollment, at which point moneys will be fully refunded.  If YOU need to cancel the reservation for your child, you will receive a 100% refund for any cancellations received PRIOR TO one week before the camp start date.  Cancellations received after that time will result in loss of the full fee, but the amount of the fee can be used for future events or individual work with the camp leader, Renee Groenemann.



“My twelve year old son has suffered from Anxiety and Sleep Deprivation since he was 4 years old.  He has seen a number of Specialists at Children’s Hospital.  They all treated his symptoms, and not one of them solved any of his “problems”.   I was hopeful, but guardedly cautious about having real success with meditation as the solution for the myriad of stress related issues my son dealt with on a daily basis.  My mentality was, ‘well, it can’t be any worse than anything else we’ve tried.’

“After one session with Renee, my son was using breathing techniques to sleep…IT WORKED!  In the subsequent visits, he learned meditation techniques that he uses at home for sleep, but also at school, where a great deal of his stress is rooted.  We have spent  years, countless hours  and thousands of dollars at doctors appointments and counseling sessions, which at the very best provided little to no results.   Renee gave my son tools to understand his own mind and body.  Her techniques taught him how to recognize his emotional and physical symptoms and guide them into a positive and  calming state, whenever HE wanted.

“I would absolutely recommend Renee for guidance for any child who might need guidance.  She gave my son the tools to understand and control his own mind and body.  It has been the most empowering experience of his life.  He is a different person.  He is a much happier, less stressed out, empowered individual.  It’s wonderful!”


“Seriously, sign your kidlets up! This course made a big difference for my daughter, especially on the area of managing her emotions. It also helps with identifying the beginnings of getting overwhelmed and taking steps to make it manageable before shutting down. This is a passion for Renee and she does it well!”
