Grief & Loss
Therapy & Support Group
This perinatal grief and loss therapy & support group will address common feelings, experiences, and beliefs we have following pregnancy & infant loss.
Participants will be supported in grieving the loss of their baby while integrating it into a new definition of life and self.
Each group will expand our self-care skills in our daily lives and teach the basics of self-care, embodied mindfulness, hypnotherapy, & the critical grieving practices of ceremony, community, and ritual.
Each meeting will not only teach important wellness and recovery skills but also provide a forum for processing in a supportive gathering of people who “get it.”
NOTE: Groups will include movement practices, so participants should have clearance from their doctor to participate.

We all grieve differently. This group is flexible to meet YOUR needs.
- We all grieve with at a different rate and with a different intensity, and we want you to have something that meets YOUR needs.
- This group will meet on 2nd and 4th Fridays, from 12:30-2pm.
- The group dates will be posted quarterly.
- The next quarter starts February 10 and ends April 28, 2023. That’s 6 meetings in 3 months.
- You will purchase a 4-pack of meetings that is good for 6 months and can sign up for any meeting during the next 6 months from your purchase date.
- This package approach gives you the ability to attend bi-weekly, monthly, or even every 6 weeks.
- You must sign up for the group you will attend at least 24 hours before our meeting time so we know how many will be attending.
- Need more? Purchase another package!
If it was challenging for you, it fits.
If your loss was challenging to you, it’s a fit.
Whether you experienced one miscarriage, multiple miscarriages, fertility issues, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy or more, this group will help you through your loss.
No judgment. No fear that your experience is “too big” or “too small” for the group. Just pure support from people who get it.
What can you expect? Participants will:
- When ready, share common feelings, experiences and self-beliefs in a supportive group of others who “get it.”
- Experience being heard–so often, our families and friends have “moved on” from our loss before we have, leaving us feel abandoned.
- Be supported in grieving the loss of your baby while integrating the actual experience into a new definition of life and self.
- Expand self-care skills and learn embodied mindfulness basics for healing from challenging experiences.
- Engage the use of ceremony, community & ritual in your healing process.
- Engage group hypnosis and meditation for self-care.
- Use the power of narrative therapy as you tell your “hero’s journey” and help your child(ren)’s life feel significant.
- Practice yoga, breath and movement that helps encapsulate and embody the themes of mindfulness and challenging emotions. Body-based practices help us stay present rather than in the past or future, as often happens in grief. They help us to FEEL rather than stay in our thoughts, and they help us to make our baby REAL. What we feel in our body gets recorded differently and moves through us differently.
- Work through the stages of grief in all it’s seasons.
- Receive daily practices and resources for continued grief support.
- Get special support on anniversaries, holidays, and triggers like pregnant friends so you can look supportive (or EVEN have well-articulated boundaries) when all you really want to do is scream or disappear.
- Share resources.
2nd & 4th Fridays, starting in February 2023
Choose 4 (or more) meetings over the course of 6 months
Optional, Self-Paced Online, Zapped to Zen 201: Serious Calming Skills and Nervous System Resets (6-Module online course with supplementary group Q&A meetings)
2nd and 4th Fridays, Starting February 2023
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Beta Group Pricing of only $247 for a 4-pack of meetings
(Normally $1997, but if bought in conjunction with this group, discounted to $997)
- Within 3 working days of your purchase, you will receive an email with therapy intake paperwork and a Good Faith Estimate of the total expense you paid. You will complete them prior to attending your first group. We will contact you with any questions or concerns.
- Once you purchase a package, you are responsible for using all the sessions within 6 months of purchase. There are no refunds for partially used packages.
- If Renee determines, during the course of the group, that group therapy is not the best fit for your needs, we will help you to find an appropriate referral and you will get a refund of your unused groups.
- We heal best in community.
- The brain’s “storyteller” shuts down during Big T and Little t traumas (challenges), and telling our story in community brings the “storyteller” back online.
- Being witnessed by people who not only get it, but who are also going to be supportive rather than shutting you down or driving your shame builds connection and decreases that feeling that you’re broken, alone, or even “crazy.” Discussions around the most common grief and loss themes allow us to feel whole and even normal in our challenging transitions. Strategizing self, care and sleep is foundational, and we will create plans together for how to make this happen in a practical way.
- Hypnotherapy techniques engage deep relaxation with “suggestions.” The suggestions employed in this group will encourage personal empowerment & self-care. This will improve our ability to tell our loss story without upset or overwhelm.
- We will intentionally work with the themes of grief and the healing strategies of ceremony, community, and ritual.
- Taking intentional action in your life based on what the body is communicating helps to make our losses feel more real.
- Reflecting on the experience and how we grew through it followed by effective action helps to “integrate” the trauma—we can’t change the past, but we can learn to take what happened and grow in how we engage with the world as a result of our life experience.
- Understanding the animal brain helps us to recognize our body responses, identify when we need to take action for ourselves, and recognize how our body communicates its needs IN EVERY MOMENT.
- Learning self-calming skills helps us to cope with depression and anxiety by resetting the body response, leaving us feeling empowered.
- When we have the control to change our discomfort on a DAILY BASIS, we also grow in our ability to tolerate our discomfort. We no longer fear of our body’s anxiety response and can instead PARTNER with our body—learning to welcome its communications as helpful rather than scary.
- Understanding your own personal triggers, you natural stress-busting skills, and your bodymind connection adds up to serious and personalized self-care.
- This is the kind of skill and knowledge that will take you from “zapped and shooting from the hip” to in control and confident that you can handle ANYTHING life throws at you. It will give you the information and skills you need to always be upping your self-care game in the ways that ACTUALLY WORK .
The Answer?
Zapped to Zen 201: Serious Self-Calming Skills and Nervous System Resets Online Course
Self-paced online course with 3 monthly online group Q&A meetings (Tuesday evenings)
+ 1.5 hours of one-on-one coaching (at a time that works for you)
You keep the program for life
Only $997 if purchased during your infant and pregnancy loss group
(regular price $1997)