Want EMDR therapy but love your current therapist?
Adjunctive EMDR allows you to keep you current therapist while receiving parallel EMDR treatment with another therapist.
As your adjunct therapist, I will collaborate with your current talk therapist to focus treatment and get results fast!
Feeling stuck in shame, guilt or blame?
Repeating the same negative self-talk?
Unable to move past what happened?
Feeling triggered by the present, with your nervous system unable to receive the message that you are OK NOW?
Trauma feel so deeply rooted that talk therapy is not breaking through to the body response?
Does it all feel very illogical?
Sometimes, we get stuck because our body and brain recorded a challenging experience as traumatic. Even if it does not seem traumatic to you, even mild triggering of the fight or flight response or significant stress over a long period of time (perinatal example: protracted morning sickness or breastfeeding issues) can lead to our experiences going into “special” traumatic storage in our brain. When this happens, the bodymind will prevent change from happening because it feels it is protecting you from danger by maintaining its defense system, no matter the issues the system is causing for you.
This is not logic. It’s animal brain.
With EMDR, we are able to “reset” this animal brain block. We look for the earliest or strongest memories of a similar situation or belief, focus on the memory, and reprocess it with bilateral stimulation in the form of eye movement, tapping, alternate sounds or similar. When that memory is reprocessed, it shifts out of the “special” storage.
Suddenly, the change that you have been working for in talk therapy suddenly becomes possible because you have cleared the block.
And when that happens, you and you talk therapist can more easily create the needed change!
The process starts with a free phone consultation to guarantee fit.
Schedule your free Zoom/Phone consultation here!